If we want to scale astral heights in our lives, we need to look within ourselves. We need to find if our attitude towards life, profession, people and environment is positive. And if we find our attitude to be negative, we require converting our negative attitude into positive one. What plays an important role in changing attitude is thinking. As we all know that we speak what we think, we do what we speak and what we do becomes our character.
We like the company of some fellows and not of others. We love to talk to someone and on the other hand we try to keep one hand's distance from others. What leads us to practice this discriminating behavior? The answer, of course, is attitude which is well reflected by the words we utter. An honest, responsible, social and gentleman's language is different from the language of a dishonest, negative and greedy person. So long as you do not change your attitude, you cannot change yourself and vice- versa. Yes, if we change our negative words, we shall be able to change our attitude.
Many a times we feel like talking about negative things. We love complaints. Fortunately if any particular day we have been unable to backbite, we feel that as something is missing. These habits reach so deep in our subconscious mind that it becomes difficult to do without them. Although we well know that doing that is but shooting at our own foot.
Let us take an example. We need to respect and follow our boss. But at times you do not like to follow him/ her. But again you have got to. In such situations we should learn doing necessary things happily. These things are necessary evils in our professional life. Things done unwillingly and forcefully lead to criticism and complaining. When complaint and criticism committee is in session, there is no member who misses adding fuel to the fire.
To overcome this complaining and critising attitude. I have developed a formula. I write some incomplete sentences in my diary and devote some time to complete them. Though difficult but I finally complete them. This way we can change our attitude. Some of the sample sentences are as follows:
1) I can capable of doing this because………………………………………………….
2) I like my boss because………………………………………………………………
3) I should do this work because ………………………………………...…….
4) Everything is favorable to me because ……………………………….
Because of our prejudice or some bitter experience you make a negative of your boss, but there is something or the other is good in one and all.
I would like to share my experience with you. I had a personal and important work at the place where I could go for examination observation if my boss allowed, I requested him for sending me to the city.
And against my expectations he allows me to go there what does it imply? It implies that everyone has a soft corner for you. But it is your language which touches the soft corner. Once you improve using this language you are a master of a great skill. It also implies that no one is your born foe. You can make him/her your lifelong friend by your behavior and using proper language is an important part of your good behavior.
If we want our garden to look good beautiful we have two ways. First we can weed out undesired plants from our garden. Second we nourish desired so much that undesired plants will automatically dry. Similarly if we want to make our life prosperous and happy we must have positive attitude .positive attitude can be developed through changing company. Positive attitude can also be developed by replacing sentences and words we speak. Be choosy in using words for they form your attitude.
Nice article... Good Job Amrita... Keept it up. These all your articles are very well choosen and informative. Thanks again.