Saturday, April 10, 2010

Are you drinking the amount of water you should drink every day?

This is an important information about the right amount of water one must drink everyday. Please read every word of it and make sure to forward the link to your friends as well.

1. 81% of Indians are chronically dehydrated. (Likely applies to half the world population)

2. In 42% of Indians, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is mistaken for hunger.

3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as 3%.

4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in aUniversity of Washington study.

5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzyshort term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a ! printed page.

8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79% and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

Short Summary of Animal Farm by George Orwell

Animal Farm is a satirical fable set on Manor Farm, a typical English farm. Orwell employs a third-person narrator, who reports events without commenting on them directly. The narrator describes things as the animals perceive them.

Old Major calls a meeting of all the animals in the big barn. He announces that he may die soon and relates to them the insights he has gathered in his life. Old Major tells the animals that human beings are the sole reason that “No animal in England is free” and that “The life of an animal is misery and slavery.” Therefore the animals must take charge of their destiny by overthrowing Man in a great Rebellion. He relates his dream of rebellion.

Old Major dies soon after the meeting and the other animals prepare for the Rebellion under Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer’s leadership. One night, Mr. Jones passes out drunk, creating the perfect opportunity for the animals to rebel. They are so hungry that they break into the store-shed. When Jones and his men try to whip them into submission, the animals run them off the farm. The animals burn all reminders of their former bondage but agree to preserve the farmhouse “as a museum.” Snowball changes the name of the farm to “Animal Farm” and comes up with Seven Commandments, which are to form the basis of Animalism. They are:

1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animals shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal.

The pigs milk the cows, and then the animals go out to begin the harvest. When they return, the milk has disappeared mysteriously. The first harvest is a great success. The animals adhere to the tenets of Animalism happily, and with good result. Each animal works according to his ability and gets a fair share of food.

Every Sunday, Snowball and Napoleon lead a meeting of all the animals in the big barn. The pigs are the most intelligent animals, so they think up resolutions for the other animals to debate. Soon after, the pigs set up a study-center for themselves in the harness-room. Snowball embarks on various campaigns for social and economic improvement. Napoleon opposes whatever Snowball does. Because most of the animals lack the intelligence to memorize the Seven Commandments, Snowball reduces them to the single maxim, “Four legs good, two legs bad.” The sheep take to chanting this at meetings.

As time goes by, the pigs increase their control over the animals and award themselves increasing privileges. They quell the animals’ questions and protests by threatening Mr. Jones’s return. During this time, Napoleon also confiscates nine newborn puppies and secludes them in a loft in order to “educate” them.

By late summer, Snowball’s and Napoleon’s pigeon-messengers have spread news of the Rebellion across half of England. Animals on other farms have begun lashing out against their human masters and singing the revolutionary song “Beasts of England.” Jones and other farmers try to recapture Animal Farm but fail. The animals celebrate their victory in what they call “The Battle of the Cowshed.”

The animals agree to let the pigs make all the resolutions. Snowball and Napoleon continue to be at odds and eventually clash over the windmill. Snowball wants to build a windmill in order to shorten the work week and provide the farm electricity, but Napoleon opposes it. Napoleon summons nine fierce dogs (the puppies he trained) to run Snowball off the farm. Napoleon announces that Sunday meetings will cease and that the pigs will make all the decisions in the animals’ best interest. At this point, Boxer takes on his own personal maxims, “I will work harder” and “Napoleon is always right.” In the spring, Napoleon announces plans to build the windmill, claiming that it was his idea all along—rewriting history.

Building the windmill forces the animals to work harder and on Sundays. Shortages begin to occur, so Napoleon opens up trade with the human world. Through Squealer, he lies that no resolutions against interaction with humans or the use of money had ever been passed. Napoleon enlists Whymper to be his intermediary, and the pigs move into the farmhouse. Squealer assures the animals that there is no resolution against this, but Clover and Muriel discovers that one of the resolutions has been changed to: “No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.” Squealer convinces her that there was never a resolution against beds at all.

One night, strong winds shake the farm and the animals awake to discover the windmill destroyed. Napoleon blames Snowball and sentences the expelled pig to death.

In the winter, as conditions become worse on Animal Farm, Napoleon deceives the human world into thinking Animal Farm is prospering. He signs a contract for a quota of four hundred eggs per week, inciting a hen rebellion that results in several deaths. Around the same time, Napoleon begins negotiating with Frederick and Pilkington to sell Animal Farm’s store of timber. He also spreads propaganda against Snowball, claiming that Snowball was always a spy and a collaborator while Napoleon was the true hero of the Battle of the Cowshed, and Squealer warns against Snowball’s secret agents.

Four days later, Napoleon holds an assembly in which he makes several animals confess to treachery and then has the dogs execute them. The dogs try to get Boxer to confess but leave him alone when they cannot overpower him. Afterwards, Clover and some other animals huddle together on a hill overlooking the farm. They reminisce about Animalism’s ideals and consider how much they differ from the violence and terror of Napoleon’s reign. They sing “Beasts of England,” but Squealer informs them that the song is useless now that the Rebellion is completed and that it is now forbidden. The new anthem begins with the lyrics: “Animal Farm, Animal Farm, / Never through me shalt thou come to harm!”

Another commandment is changed to read: “No animal shall kill any other animal without cause.” Clover and Muriel convince themselves that the commandment has always been this way. Squealer begins reading the animals statistics regularly to convince them that production is increasing. Napoleon seldom appears in public. The animals now call him “our Leader, Comrade Napoleon.” They attribute all misfortunes to Snowball and all success and luck to Napoleon.

Napoleon continues to negotiate with the farmers and eventually decides to sell the timber to Mr. Pilkington. At last, the windmill is finished and named “Napoleon Mill.” Soon after, Napoleon announces that he will sell the timber to Frederick, quickly changing his allegiance and disavowing his earlier vilification of Frederick. Napoleon says that Pilkington and Snowball have been collaborating. Frederick pays for the timber in fake cash, and the next morning, Frederick and his men invade the farm and blow up the windmill. The animals manage to chase the humans off, though many die or are injured in what they call “The Battle of the Windmill.”

After the battle, the pigs discover a case of whisky in the farmhouse. They drink to excess and soon, Squealer reports that Napoleon is dying and, as his last action, has made the consumption of alcohol punishable by death. But Napoleon recovers quickly and then sends Whymper to procure manuals on brewing alcohol. Squealer changes another commandment to “No animal shall drink alcohol to excess.”

Napoleon plans to build a schoolhouse for the thirty-one young pigs he has parented. Towards the end of the winter, Napoleon begins increasing propaganda to distract the animals from inequality and hardship. He creates special “Spontaneous Demonstrations” in which the animals march around and celebrate their triumphs.

In April, Napoleon declares the farm a Republic and is elected unanimously as President. The animals continue to work feverishly, most of all Boxer. One day, Boxer collapses while overexerting himself. Napoleon promises to send him to the veterinarian in Willingdon. A few days later, a horse-slaughterer takes Boxer away in his van. The animals are none the wiser until Benjamin reads the lettering on the side of the van. A few days later, Squealer reports that Boxer died in the hospital despite receiving the best possible care. He claims that Boxer’s last words glorified Animal Farm and Napoleon. He also claims that the van belongs to the veterinarian, who recently bought it from the horse slaughterer and had not yet managed to paint over the lettering. Napoleon promises to honor Boxer with a special banquet. But the pigs use the money from his slaughter to buy a case of whisky, which they drink on the day appointed for the banquet.

Years go by, and though Animal Farm’s population has increased, only a few animals that remember the Rebellion remain. Conditions are still harsh despite technological improvements. The pigs and dogs continue to do no manual labor, instead devoting themselves to organizational work. One day, Squealer takes the sheep out to a deserted pasture where, he says, he is teaching them a song. On the day the sheep return, the pigs walk around the yard on their hind legs as the sheep chant, “Four legs good, two legs better.” The other animals are horrified. Clover consults the barn wall again. This time Benjamin reads to her. The Seven Commandments have been replaced with a single maxim: “All animals are equal / But some animals are more equal than others.”

The pigs continue the longstanding pattern of awarding themselves more and more privileges. They buy a telephone and subscribe to magazines. They even wear Jones’s clothing. One night, Napoleon holds a conciliatory banquet for the farmers. Pilkington makes a speech in which he says he wants to emulate Animal Farm’s long work hours and low rations. Napoleon announces that the farm will be called “Manor Farm” again, the animals will call each other “Comrade” no longer, and they no longer will march ceremoniously past Old Major’s skull (a practice he denies understanding). He also declares that the farm’s flag will be plain green, devoid of the symbols of the Rebellion. As the animals peer through the windows to watch the humans and pigs play poker, they cannot distinguish between them.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Changing attitude by changing language

The difference between a cuckoo and a crow can only be noticed after they chirp. If the era gone by witnessed a success for those who had physical strengths, the 21st century will be of those who know how to use their tongue as a powerful and effective weapon. In fact, our tongue plays a role of sword as well as a shield. Sometimes our oily tongue wins others' heart. And sometimes people become very conscious about our buttering. Language of one person gives us wounds but another's is icy cool to our wounds and injuries.

If we want to scale astral heights in our lives, we need to look within ourselves. We need to find if our attitude towards life, profession, people and environment is positive. And if we find our attitude to be negative, we require converting our negative attitude into positive one. What plays an important role in changing attitude is thinking. As we all know that we speak what we think, we do what we speak and what we do becomes our character.

We like the company of some fellows and not of others. We love to talk to someone and on the other hand we try to keep one hand's distance from others. What leads us to practice this discriminating behavior? The answer, of course, is attitude which is well reflected by the words we utter. An honest, responsible, social and gentleman's language is different from the language of a dishonest, negative and greedy person. So long as you do not change your attitude, you cannot change yourself and vice- versa. Yes, if we change our negative words, we shall be able to change our attitude.

Many a times we feel like talking about negative things. We love complaints. Fortunately if any particular day we have been unable to backbite, we feel that as something is missing. These habits reach so deep in our subconscious mind that it becomes difficult to do without them. Although we well know that doing that is but shooting at our own foot.

Let us take an example. We need to respect and follow our boss. But at times you do not like to follow him/ her. But again you have got to. In such situations we should learn doing necessary things happily. These things are necessary evils in our professional life. Things done unwillingly and forcefully lead to criticism and complaining. When complaint and criticism committee is in session, there is no member who misses adding fuel to the fire.

To overcome this complaining and critising attitude. I have developed a formula. I write some incomplete sentences in my diary and devote some time to complete them. Though difficult but I finally complete them. This way we can change our attitude. Some of the sample sentences are as follows:

1) I can capable of doing this because………………………………………………….
2) I like my boss because………………………………………………………………
3) I should do this work because ………………………………………...…….
4) Everything is favorable to me because ……………………………….

Because of our prejudice or some bitter experience you make a negative of your boss, but there is something or the other is good in one and all.

I would like to share my experience with you. I had a personal and important work at the place where I could go for examination observation if my boss allowed, I requested him for sending me to the city.

And against my expectations he allows me to go there what does it imply? It implies that everyone has a soft corner for you. But it is your language which touches the soft corner. Once you improve using this language you are a master of a great skill. It also implies that no one is your born foe. You can make him/her your lifelong friend by your behavior and using proper language is an important part of your good behavior.

If we want our garden to look good beautiful we have two ways. First we can weed out undesired plants from our garden. Second we nourish desired so much that undesired plants will automatically dry. Similarly if we want to make our life prosperous and happy we must have positive attitude .positive attitude can be developed through changing company. Positive attitude can also be developed by replacing sentences and words we speak. Be choosy in using words for they form your attitude.

The MBA Craze

"Why do you want to pursue a MBA?" I questioned a MBA aspirant. "I want a job" pat came the reply. A simple straightforward and honest statement made. It was a statement that made me uneasy and raised many questions in my mind.

What do management institutions strive to achieve? What do management students think such institutions should offer? Are management institutions indirectly assuming the role of placement agencies?

With the exception of top notch Business schools in the country that offer rigorous academic inputs along with state –of-the art campuses, most educational institutions that run management programmes harp on the placements they have generated for their students. This is done in order to attract as many aspirants as they can. No importance is given to the course content or the quality of resources available with the management institution. What are important are the visibility and right contacts in industry. Management education is big business today and many institutes just want to cash in while the going is good.

Many students choose to pursue an MBA degree as this qualification guarantees them a Job. Or so is the perception amongst the student community." Just pay the fees, hang out there for a couple of years and you will find yourself sitting in an air conditioned office of an MNC" seems to be the mantra. Very few students look at a management schools as a place where one invests time and money to acquire KNOWLWDGE and SKILL SETS that would enable one to build a career. Getting a JOB is the priority. Knowledge and skill sets rarely figure as secondary objectives

Given such a scenario, how do management institutes place their students? Why is there such a rush to recruit MBA's?

1. Hiring a MBA is easy and thus many organizations opt for this route. Skills required by industry are developed on the job. Most students learn the hard way once their very survival is at stake in the ruthless corporate world.

2. It may also be a prestige issue for a few organistions who employ management graduates without clearly defining the role and growth path for the new incumbent

This probably also explains why one finds a MBA quitting his / her first job within a year of acquiring it. The misfit – right person for right job is obvious.

Just as corporates need to identify talent and nurture employees to assume roles of strategic importance in the organization, business schools must provide relevant and cutting-edge management education. This can be achieved by adopting the case methodology of learning. Case studies that talk about real issues/ problems that organizations face and that discuss the manner in which difficulties faced were resolved by corporate houses provide valuable insights to students. Case studies also help in bridging the gap between theoretical concepts learnt in the classroom and their application in industry. Innovative and creative thinking is developed – an essential trait for new age corporations. Management programmes must strive to develop the following skill set

* Communication skills
* Problem-solving skills
* Knowledge application skills
* Interpretation and Integration of information.

The case study approach addresses all of the above.

Management students also need to stop focusing solely on the monetary aspects of a job and rather concentrate on understanding the organization culture and its people. Management institutions can play an important role in developing such an attitude amongst its' students with the aid of counseling. The aspect of social responsibility too cannot be ignored. The student community needs to be sensitized to the fact that social responsibility does not stand for giving charity or working for an NGO. It needs to be understood that being socially responsible is being sensitive to the needs and expectations of society and doing ones' job sincerely and ethically.

In an age where knowledge is going to drive organizations towards excellence, our seats of learning and society at large need to change their approach towards management education. Merely producing graduates and post graduates without these being competent enough to be absorbed by industry could have serious repercussions in future. A change in attitude where focus is on merit, discipline and ethics, is the need of the hour.

# MBAs' aspirations and expectations: the missing link; Colloquia Panel Discussion, NBSM, IIM Calcutta